Unhappy in his job and unlucky in love, Joko reunites with a childhood friend and gets the spark of hope he needs to win back his ex-girlfriend.
A cop returns to the job. A serial killer too returns to the job.
Hareesh and Reshmi are an immigrant couple from Kerala working in a medical gloves factory near Delhi. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, when an old video resurfaces among the factory workers, it opens up a Pandora’s box that threatens the couple’s jobs and marriage. As desperation and hostility mounts, they confront their own needs and desires while torn between a life of conscie...
A sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother in the studio, where she can spend hours recording Foley and wild tracks, editing and mixing.But is her brain starting to slip out of sync?
Detective Michael Tabb knows the city of St. Louis inside and out. He has felt its true heart, as much as its dark underbelly: but he does not know who, in both the dark and light - is taking the lives of young girls. He only knows that their burned and broken bodies are washing ashore along the Mississippi River, never to return home. He wears the scars of the one time he got ...
公元619年元宵节, 灵芝大会进行一半,迷烟四 起,大夫和权贵们悉数晕 倒。当晚,李世民鉴定此为 巨毒茯苓散,出自江湖人称 第一药王。 真相终于揭开, 李建业对重权在握的李世民 心有芥蒂。遂设此计策嫁祸 李世民。
罗尔娜(艾塔·多布雷西Arta Donbroshi 饰)通过一桩移民婚姻取得比利时合法居住权,她和她那个跑遍欧洲打工赚钱的阿尔巴尼亚男友索科尔(Alban Ukaj 饰)最大的梦想就是存钱合开一家酒吧。 瘾君子克劳迪(杰里米·雷乃 Jérémie Renier 饰)通过 与罗尔娜结婚帮她拿到比利时合法居民身份,同时他也从中间人费比奥(布里奇奥·罗吉恩 Fabrizio Rongione 饰)那里拿到一笔钱。中间人费比奥一边策划用过量毒品害死克劳迪的阴谋,一边和罗尔娜准备合作通过同样的方法使一个俄罗斯人成为比利时公民。在罗尔娜和克劳迪一起生活期间,居然生出几份温馨的感觉,汉尔娜决定尽快和克劳迪离婚从而让他免于一死。 克劳迪因吸食毒品过量而死,罗尔娜按照原计划进行的相当顺利,可是她却感觉自己怀孕了,而且她告诉费比奥孩子的父亲是克劳迪。 在2008年第61...